Table of Contents
- AbstractGd
- This is a simple GD implementation that other GD can inherit from.
- AbstractGdDraw
- This is a simple GD Draw implementation that other GD Draw can inherit from.
- AbstractGdFactory
- This is a simple GD Factory implementation that other GD Factory can inherit from.
- AbstractGdFilter
- This is a simple GD Filter implementation that other GD Filter can inherit from.
- AbstractGdImage
- This is a simple GD Image implementation that other GD Image can inherit from.
- AbstractGdPixel
- This is a simple GD Pixel implementation that other GD Pixel can inherit from.
- AbstractGdProperty
- This is a simple GD Property implementation that other GD Property can inherit from.
- AbstractGdTransform
- This is a simple GD Transform implementation that other GD Transform can inherit from.
- AbstractGdTtf
- This is a simple GD TrueType Fonts implementation that other GD TrueType Fonts can inherit from.
- AbstractGdValidation
- This is a simple GD Validation implementation that other GD Validation can inherit from.
- AbstractTemporary
- This is a simple Temporary implementation that other Temporary can inherit from.
- GdAlpha
- Simple GD Alpha Channel implementation.
- GdArcStyle
- Simple GD Arc Style implementation.
- GdBlur
- Simple GD Blur Filter implementation.
- GdCornerSide
- Simple GD Corner Side implementation.
- GdCornerStyle
- Simple GD Corner Style implementation.
- GdFlip
- Simple GD Flip Filter implementation.
- GdImageType
- Simple GD Image Type implementation.
- Gd
- Simple Gd implementation.
- GdException
- Every GD exception MUST implement this interface.
- DrawArcValidation
- DrawAreaValidation
- DrawPolygonPointValidation
- DrawPolygonValidation
- FilterBlurValidation
- FilterBrightnessValidation
- FilterColorizeValidation
- FilterContrastValidation
- FilterPixelateValidation
- FilterScatterValidation
- FilterSmoothValidation
- SelectionValidation
- TransformCopyValidation
- TransformCornerValidation
- TtfOptionValidation
- TtfValidation